Friday, March 4, 2011

Sports Enthusiast!

Mac just finished a super successful basketball season. I was amazed at what a difference just one year did for him in this sport. This year Mac was immediately pinned as the main shooter, making several baskets each game. He was also much taller than most of the other kids on his team so he played Center and loved being right by the basket so that he could get his hands on all those rebounds. Mac loved taking the ball down the court and driving it in and there wasn't a shot he wouldn't take. After this year, I can't wait to see what next year will bring.
As soon as basketball season ended, Mac (and Jaxton) started right up into baseball. Even though Mac generally uses a metal bat, Nate picked up a plastic/foam one for practice around the house. Mac took it outside and on his very first swing, he hit the foam ball so hard that the bat broke in half. Baseball is a sport that Mac has always been fairly good at and I guess even after his "off season" he's still got it. Here's to the end of a great basketball season, to the beginning of an awesome baseball season and then looking forward to swimming and soccer.

1 comment:

Merrill's said...

I wish I could watch their games. It was fun watching Mac play basketball. He's one athletic boy!