Thursday, August 5, 2010

Just in case . . .

you're wondering if we made it back from our trip to Utah, well, we did! And we enjoyed every minute of it. Every. Minute. (not counting the last day of our drive home.) Who wouldn't love cousin sleepovers, making forts in the mountains, exploring a 400 acre ranch, staying in a cabin at Bear Lake, swim lessons, hiking a cave, picnics, celebrating holidays and a wedding, dodgeball camp, swim parties, and much more? Mostly my kids were in Cousin Heaven, enjoying every moment they possibly could with the people they think are the coolest.
But until I purchase myself new photo editing software (our other one bit the dust with our old computer), this post is going to have to suffice. Just understand one thing: even experiencing one day of driving with a child throwing up every 45 minutes, complaining of earaches, having to detour from our path to find an urgent care, cleaning up two not-so-easily-cleaned-up potty accidents, all while driving in the van for 17 hours and not pulling into our driveway until 2:30am will not keep me from doing it all over again next year. Now if that doesn't illustrate how much we love our family (or how crazy we are), then I don't know what does. Already counting down the days until next years 36 hour trip home.


Rachel said...

Yay! I'm so glad you had such a wonderful trip home. I'm so, so, soooo envious! I'm more homesick than ever, and if air fare doesn't drop dramatically by October, I'll be making the drive too! I want any and all advice you may have to give.

Magic Marker said...

It was so fun to see you guys:) I think my kiddos are going to go through "cousin" withdrawels!