Sunday, March 28, 2010

All Things Wonderful


Rachel said...

OH! I want to squeeze those squishy little thighs! She's a doll. They all are!

Haueter Photography said...

You have such a beautiful family. I hope you don't mind that I check in on you guys. I was excited when Emily mentioned that your blog wasn't private anymore. If you ever go private again, I would love an invite.

Aleisha Haueter

Holly and Robert said...

So fun!! Your little girl is getting so big!!

nicole said...

I LOVE the nap with the men's clothing catalog. you must be so happy you got that pic! =)

Kim said...

I love that sweet little face, so cute! Can't wait to see you guys this summer!

emandtrev said...

DARLING pictures! I bet there is no shortage of love for sweet Jillian!