Friday, January 3, 2014

Our Merry Little Christmas

My favorite part about the holidays (besides getting to spend it with our families), was the Christmas countdown. Each day a numbered envelope was opened by a kid and inside was 4 things: 1)a treat for each child, 2)a CHRISTmas assignment, 3)a scripture about Christ and 4)a holiday activity.
This year was the first year that I added the CHRISTmas assignment, but it quickly became my favorite part. The assignments were simple like, give 10 hugs today, make someone smile, pass out candy canes, give a compliment, but the outcomes were amazing. It was heartwarming to watch the kids progress through the month from doing their kind deeds to their closest friends, to concentrating more on that kid in their class who didn't have many friends. I could hardly wait for my kids to get in the car after school each day so that they could tell me all about completing their assignment.
(2013 Christmas card -- front and back)

Our holiday activities were a big hit as well, with everything from attending the Mormon Tabernacle Christmas Concert, to making Grinch floats, to painting a nativity scene.

Not only did Jilli have a visit with an impostor Santa, (he had tattoos all up his arms and he was about 20 years old), but I ran into Santa late one night just before Christmas at the mall.  Very fortunate for me since just that night I had told my kids that they weren't getting any presents because of their bad behavior, to which Jilli piped up and said, "I don't need your presents, cause Santa will give me some." The look on her face the next morning was priceless when I showed her the picture of me and Santa and I told her that he and I had a talk about the behavior in our home -- she sweetened right back up.

Christmas Eve was spent with Nate's family, eating dinner, opening the gift-exchange presents, wearing ugly sweaters and grandmas's beloved money bag.

Despite my kids sassy at-home attitudes (I'm blaming it on the fact that we are still in transition -- at least it makes me feel better), Nate and I delivered Christmas in all it's glorious commercialized manner.  We had no choice, really.  When I told the kids late one night after a particularly difficult day that we weren't "having Christmas anymore," Beckam quietly said, "We'll always have Christmas because it's about Christ and you can't take that away."  After he said that, my snarky view of my kids instantly changed before my eyes -- a Christmas miracle indeed.

And really, look at these faces -- they were thrilled with each and every gift.  Afterwards each of them thanked Nate and I and gave us big hugs.  I think there's hope for us yet.

The rest of the holiday break was spent with my family.  We went sledding, skiing, shopping and stayed in the Bear Lake cabin for 4 days.  It was pretty much awesome.

So in the end, our Christmas holiday was a wonderful one.  Despite some sour behavior, we did our best to fill our home with the spirit of Christ and remember the real reason for the season.

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