Mac started 1st grade last Wednesday. After he left for school I had an empty, lonely feeling inside -- all summer long Mac has been my "go to guy." If I needed something done and done right, I asked Mac to do it. He has grown up so much and become such a wonderful oldest sibling and example to his three younger admirers. His help was definitely missed all week long. When I picked him up that Friday after school and asked him how school was he said, "Kindergarten was a BLAST! It was the best year of my life! All we do in 1st grade is listen and LEARN!" I told him he better get used to it, 'cause he's got a lot of learning ahead of him. On a happier note, he's totally stoked about being in the same class with his best buddy, Carlo and getting to sit right next to him.

P.S. I just got back from picking Mac up from school and today he said school was GREAT! When I asked him why, he told me, "Because it's a new week and I got homework!" Looks like my school lovin' learner is officially back from summer vacation (phew!).