McCade turned six on January 31st and was supposed to have his party on the 30th, but it got snowed out and we had to postpone it until the following Saturday.

Mac is everything wonderful and more! I went to his parent/teacher conference this morning and not only is he excelling in reading and math, but he's the top writer in the entire kindergarten. What may be even more impressive to me is that his teacher says he's social and kind. She also said that he loves to be the spotlight (could've told you that) and that he has something to say about everything (also, could've told you that). He's eager to learn everything and is somewhat of a perfectionist. Mac loves the gospel and can't wait to bear his testimony on Fast Sunday, (which he does on his own every month). His faith never ceases to amaze me when he does things like waking up in the middle of the night and asking me to pray with him so that he doesn't have another nightmare.
To us, McCade is amazing and we think the world of him. Love you lots Big Man Mac!
p.s. if you are wondering why "excelling" is in bold, it's because Nate has made the change (2 weeks later) from "accelling" to "excelling." Apparently Mac is excelling in school, but his mom could use some more time learning how to spell. :)