We are loving life with our sweet lil' Jillian. She is the most wonderfully patient soul and this was made even more apparent when she was locked in the van all by herself for just over an hour. Before you go calling Child Services let me explain. I had just pulled into the garage from taking Jax to preschool when I remembered that it was garbage day and that I needed to take it out. Since I need two hands to push the big ole' thing around I sat my keys in Jilli's carseat (mistake #1). In the meantime, Beckam who was still in the car (mistake #2) decides he wants to crawl all the way through the van and go out my door, which he does and as he exits he locks the door and then slams it shut (mistakes #3 & #4). When I make it back up the driveway and realize what's happening and that the only spare set of keys is with my husband who is in a "very important" meeting and can't leave for another half hour and then it will take him 30 minutes to get home, I slightly panicked. I wanted to get mad at Beckam, but one look at him with his shoulders slumped over and his head down, not to mention his pitiful "sorry mom," I knew that was out of the question. So, he and I said a prayer and then did our best to entertain her with different knocking patterns on the windows and some very loud consoling. In the end, the poor girl just put herself to sleep until Nate could come home and rescue her. What child is that patient and wonderful? We definitely love our Jilli!
Also, for the sake of journaling, she also started on rice cereal and pureed food this month and loves anything she can get her mouth on. She also started rolling over from her tummy to her back 2 weeks ago and she's getting pretty good at her attempts to sit up on her own.