Thursday, December 10, 2009

Two and a Half

If you ask Beckam how old he is, he'll usually tell you either "5 1/2" or "3 1/2." But, Beckam actually turned 2 1/2 on Tuesday -- totally bittersweet! While on one hand it's sad to see my baby boy grow up, on the other hand he's so fun to watch as he experiences life and learns knew things. He talks and talks all the time and can say anything, but there was a while where his favorite words were "momma," "daddy," "pee pee," & "bum bum" -- put it all together and it doesn't make a very good combo. What's worse is that Beckam would go around chanting these four words over and over and over as loud as he could. When we were in public and he'd start doing it, I'd try to cover it up by saying things like, "No, Beckam, mommy and daddy don't need any PUMPKINS!" People would usually just smile, but I always had to wonder what they were really thinking. Beckam prayed for the first time all by himself a few months back. It was a very lovely prayer that went, "Heny Faer, momma daddy, baby sick, AAAAAAA-men!"

We love our sweet and sassy Beckam and think he's basically the coolest 2 1/2 year old around -- we're pretty sure we'll keep him around and just keep on lovin' on him!


Holly and Robert said...

so cute!!!

Kim said...

Seriously you need to do a picture comparison of him and Nate. He looks just like his daddy. What a cutie. Hope everything else is going well. We love you guys and miss you.

the rutledge's- said...

HI Jami-

I can't believe we haven't made it out to your house to see you guys yet. I hope things are good, little Beckham is such a handsome little boy...and all your kids are absolutely adorable!