Friday, December 18, 2009

fabulous & F O U R

Jaxton James turned 4 on Monday. We celebrated by taking 9 buddies to Chick-fil-a for some lunch, army guy cupcakes, ice cream, gifts and playing. As we were leaving the restaurant Jax said, "That party was AWESOME!" -- I'm pretty sure he enjoyed himself.

I took him to the doctor today and as we walked in the office he announced loudly, "Now I am NOT here for a flu shot!" and that was probably my 5th reminder for the day and he continued to give that same reminder to any nurse or doctor that he came in contact with. The poor guy had apparantly had it with shots between the seasonal flu shot and two doses of the H1N1 -- he was not going to let any of us forget. Jaxton weighs 42 lbs. (90th percentile) and is 41 inches tall (75th percentile). He is definitely our big, sweet, sensitive guy.

While Jaxton loves everyone in the family, I have luckily found a very special place in Jaxton's heart. He is so sweet to me and always says such nice things. The other day I was telling him that I had just bought some new pants for me. He replied saying, "Mom, can I see them so that I can say they're beautiful and that you're special?" I think this little guy is going to make one girl very very happy in the future.
Jaxton got to choose what he wanted for his birthday dinner. After much thought he decided on popcorn, hotdogs, and ramen noodles. Birthday wish granted, eat up, big guy!

We are so thankful for our Jaxton and can't wait to see all the wonderful things he accomplishes during his lifetime -- he's oozing with potential to do so much good! We love you Jax -- happy 4th!


Kim said...

Happy belated birthday Jaxton. Looks like the party was tons of fun! The doctor's office sounds like our conversations at the doctor's too:

Kristi said...

we LOVE this boy too.

Merrill's said...

Hope you had a great birthday . . . wish I was there to celebrate it with you. The cupcakes looked yummy and cute! We love you Jax!!

Magic Marker said...

I can't believe that he is 4! Where does the time go? I'm glad he had a great day:)