Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Take Me Out to the Ballgame!

I love baseball season! One, because it signifies warmer weather and two, because I'm a sucker for a boy in a baseball uniform!

Mac had a great season on the Cardinals. His team only lost one game and went on to the second round of the state tournament. Mac started most games as pitcher and then also played first base. He was a good solid hitter, with a beautiful swing, and was a very dependable player. Another mom with a son on the team said that he came home one day after practice and said, "Everyone on our team is pretty good, but Mac is definitely the all-star!"

Jaxton played on the Orioles team.  He played pitcher, 1st base and short stop.  Jax hit great, usually hitting doubles each time he was up to bat.

Beckam played up on the 1st grade Orioles team and did great.  He played a variety of positions and got to the point where he was consistently hitting triples pretty much every time he was up to bat.

Love my boys and love their desire to play team sports and be active!  I hope it remains a lifelong love for them!

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