Friday, November 4, 2011

hAlLoWeEn 2011

Our annual "pick a pumpkin" outing (but do it quick, 'cause it's super cold!).

Jilli followed in her brothers footsteps and dressed up as a chicken for her 2 year Halloween experience. She loved her costume and had no problems putting it on and wearing it around.

Just like last year, Mac took his ninja duties very seriously.

We found that when it comes to being a ninja, Beckam definitely takes after Mac -- all business when the costume is on.

Jaxton on the other hand, can't be serious for an extended amount of time even if he had to. He was the "smilingest" ninja that I had ever met.

On the morning of Halloween I always make "Witches Brew" with oatmeal and a few "other" ingredients. This year I realized (a little too late) that we didn't have enough oatmeal -- good thing witches know how to improvise. Each "little pretty" had their "goblin guts" of choice (cereal), then I added "ghost blood" (milk), "snake venom" (green food coloring) and "bat eyeballs" (mini chocolate chips). I'm not sure if it was my wicked cackle or the "ingredients," but none of my kids finished their brew off this year.

Our Halloween dinner was a bit more successful -- who can go wrong with "Mummy Dogs?"

It was a good thing that I got some good pictures earlier at the trunk-or-treat, because on Halloween Jilli was in no mood. Between throwing up, running a fever and getting a sandpaper rash all over her body, the last thing she wanted to do was pose for pictures. She spent the majority of Halloween being totally pitiful (but not before the whole family went to lunch together and freely passed and shared drinks between all of us).

Here is the trick-or-treating crew, minus the Bush clan. We stayed in the neighborhood and had an awesome turnout.

Our three ninjas and lil' chickadee hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween!


Magic Marker said...

I love your halloween costumes:) 3 Ninjas, now that's something to brag about!

Unknown said...

Ahh, the chick costume. I remember when little J wore that our trick or treating year! So cute and looks like lots of fun. Christine