Saturday, September 21, 2013

This Girl of Mine

Miss J is quite the character -- here are a few of her latest shenanigans.

On our way to pick up the boys from school, Jilli insisted that I roll her window down so that her stick horse, Banjo, could get some air.  I couldn't help but wonder what the cars behind us were thinking.

Last Friday Nate, Jilli and I went to lunch to get sushi.  When our food was brought to us, Jilli was SO disappointed -- she thought we were going out for a SLUSHY, not SUSHI.  Poor girl!

The other day Jilli was playing a game on the IPad where a man runs a course and you have to steer him, make him jump, etc.  At one point, after trying unsuccessfully, to get the guy to jump far enough, I heard Jilli mutter, "Looks like someone needs to lose a few pounds."

Love this girl of mine!

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