Sunday, October 2, 2011

Our Week

My dear Grandma turned 96 years old on September 21st. Words can not say how wonderful I think she is. This is the card we came up with this year to send to her.

This weekend also marked the one time where our house divides -- Nate with his Cougs and me with my Ags as they battle it out on the football field. This year I had the bright idea of suggesting that the losers have to clean the bathrooms. Long story short, USU was ahead until the last seconds of the game and before I knew what had happened, I found myself mopping the bathroom floor with Jaxton and Beckam cleaning sinks. We're already looking forward to next year.

Jilli loves her princess shoes. She often comes home, takes of her gym shoes or flip flops and puts on her princess shoes. She can walk, run and jump in them and one of my favorite sounds is the clank clank clank of her walking on the wood floor with them on.

We SO enjoyed General Conference. I had a few ideas of things to keep the kids busy and attentive during these eight hours and luckily they all seemed to do the trick. Mac listened to basically all four sessions and the other kids did pretty good as well. One of the activities was to see who could construct the best temple and in the end they were all winners -- I was pretty darn impressed!


Kim said...

Love the picture of Nate and Jilli. So sweet!

the rutledge's- said...

Jami- love the card you made for your grandma. Seriously too bad about USU and the football game, it was such a heartbreaker. But seriously you look so cute in that picture with your aggie shirt..and Jilli...well she's pretty much the cutest thing i have EVER seen! Miss you guys.

emandtrev said...

Your little family is seriously the cutest. I love the temple building idea. I love Jilli's heels. I love the card to your grandma. And I love the Aggies. Too bad they couldn't have pulled off the win against the Y. Next year?!!